Telling the remarkable story of women’s basketball

In Shattering the Glass, we chronicle more than a century of struggle, liberation and gutsy play, crafting a sweeping narrative of women’s basketball in the United States. We draw on archives, media reports and dozens of oral history interviews. The stories we tell embody struggle, empowerment and glory.
Recent Posts

Tell it like it is
We thought we were going to Politics and Prose in D.C. for a talk and signing of our book, Shattering the Glass. We did, but that’s burying the lead. The important thing is, we told a myriad of stories about women fighting for the opportunity to play basketball, a pursuit sometimes constrained or simply squashed […]

Why we carry on
At such a perilous time for this nation and the world, it sometimes seems frivolous to post about basketball. But we carry on. Here’s why. Those who seek to drag American society back to an imaginary past often portray the women’s movement as cynically contrived, throwing society dangerously out of balance. The history of women’s […]

Historical snapshots
So excited to have Shattering the Glass out in the world! We’ve been sharing some tidbits on social media – one each day or so. We’re gathering them here. Enjoy! If you like what you see, you’ll find a lot more in the book. February 2: The Meaning of Sports for Women In the late […]

Basketball, fashion and self-expression
When we were writing Shattering the Glass, we didn’t imagine we’d be asked to make a presentation at Christian Dior. But basketball and fashion have plenty of connections. These days, such links show clearly in the wide variety of imaginative “fits” that have become a standard part of the WNBA’s pregame tunnel walks, as well […]